ESiWACE2 Final General Assembly

Barcelona Supercomputing Center, Barcelona, Spain

The ESiWACE2 Final General Assembly will be held as a hybrid event and back-to-back with the ESiWACE3 kick-off meeting at Barcelona Supercomputing Center in Barcelona, Spain.

The meeting will encompass presentations on work performed, preparations for the finalisation of the project including group work on the final report, and group sessions on topics and tasks to be transferred to the next funding phase ESiWACE3 and to other related projects.

All ESiWACE2 staff members are invited to attend this meeting, and also the ESiWACE3 kick-off meeting and vice versa. Please note that the ESiWACE3 kick-off meeting has a separate registration form.
The registration for both meetings opens on 19 December 2022 and will close on 8 January 2023.

Questions to be addressed by all ESiWACE2 work package leaders in their WP presentation slots: 

  • What is your WP’s (success) story for the final report?

    • Added value through collaboration with industrial partners?

    • How does the work performed compare to the state of the art?

    • What are the foregrounds (project results)?

  • Which tasks / developments originally envisaged are still open (and need to be transferred to ESiWACE3 or other projects)?

  • Is there any / further need for action in the last two months of the project? 

ESiWACE2 project office
  • Monday, 30 January
    • 12:00 22:00
      Final GA: Day 1
      • 12:00
        Welcome coffee & registration 30m
      • 12:30
        -- Light lunch snack -- 30m

        (Needs to be prebooked upon registration)

      • 13:00
        Welcome & introduction 15m

        (15 minutes)

        Speaker: Joachim Biercamp (DKRZ)
      • 13:15
        WP1 - Production runs at unprecedented resolution on pre-exascale supercomputers 30m

        (20 + 10 minutes)

        Speaker: Peter Dueben (ECMWF)
      • 13:45
        WP2 - Establish, evaluate and watch new technologies for the community 30m

        (20 + 10 minutes)

        Speaker: Carlos Osuna (MeteoSwiss)
      • 14:15
        WP4 - Data systems for scale 30m

        (20 + 10 minutes)

        Speaker: Julian Kunkel (GWDG)
      • 14:45
        -- Coffee break -- 30m
      • 15:15
        WP3 - HPC services to prepare the community for the pre-exascale 30m

        (20 + 10 minutes)

        Speaker: Ben van Werkhoven (NLeSC)
      • 15:45
        WP5 - Data Post-Processing, Analytics and Visualisation 30m

        (20 + 10 minutes)

        Speaker: Donatello Elia (CMCC)
      • 16:15
        WP6 - Community Engagement and Training 30m

        (20 + 10 minutes)

        Speaker: Sophie Valcke (CERFACS)
      • 16:45
        Synthesis / room for additional talks or discussion 45m
  • Tuesday, 31 January
    • 00:30 22:30
      Final GA: Day 2
      • 09:00
        Welcome coffee 30m
      • 09:30
        WP7 - Scientific Coordination, Management and Dissemination 30m

        (20 + 10 minutes)

        Speaker: Dela Spickermann (DKRZ)
      • 10:00
        Preparing the final report - current status and upcoming work 30m

        (20 + 10 minutes)

        Speaker: Julia Duras (DKRZ)
      • 10:30
        Discussion: The next 5 years for the four WP1 production mode models 45m

        Lead: Mario Acosta (BSC) & Peter Dueben (ECMWF)
        (30 minutes)

      • 11:15
        -- Coffee break -- 30m
      • 11:45
        Discussion: What will we do different in weather and climate modeling in 2035? 45m

        Lead: Peter Dueben (ECMWF)
        (45 minutes)

      • 12:30
        Discussion: The future of ESiWACE services 45m

        Lead: Ben van Werkhoven (NLeSC), Sophie Valcke (CERFACS)
        (45 minutes)

      • 13:15
        -- Lunch break -- 1h
      • 14:15
        Parallel breakout groups / voluntary open space 45m

        Room 1: Transferring HPCW to ESiWACE3
        Lead: Erwan Raffin (Atos), Joachim Biercamp (DKRZ), Ralf Müller (DKRZ)

        Room 2: Transferring/sustaining ESiWACE dissemination channels
        Lead: Joachim Biercamp (DKRZ), Dela Spickermann (DKRZ), Rosa Rodríguez (BSC)

        Room 3: Open space for group work / discussions

        (45 minutes)

      • 15:00
        Presentations on breakout group outcomes 30m

        (30 minutes)

      • 15:30
        -- Coffee break -- 15m
      • 15:45
        Presentations on breakout group outcomes continued 30m

        (30 minutes)

      • 16:15
        Official wrap-up and closing 15m
        Speaker: Joachim Biercamp (DKRZ)
      • 16:30
        Additional group work or discussion (voluntary) / open space if needed 45m
      • 19:00
        -- Joint ESiWACE2 / ESiWACE3 working dinner -- 3h