12–13 Oct 2022
Universität HH, Geomatikum
Europe/Berlin timezone


Impulse presentations by users

12 Oct 2022, 14:50
Hörsaal H2 (Universität HH, Geomatikum)

Hörsaal H2

Universität HH, Geomatikum

Bundesstr. 55, 20146 Hamburg


  1. MITRAS - Urban climate --- Dr. Marita Boettcher, UHH
  2. MESSy - Exascale challenges and opportunities from the atmospheric chemistry and chemistry climate modelling perspective --- Dr. Patrick Jöckel, DLR
  3. Machine Learning for Geoscience on the HPC-Cluster: Progress, Ambitions and Challenges Ahead ---Dr. David Greenberg, HEREON

Presentation materials

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Building timetable...